Call the Funds If Your Dependents’ Health Insurance Claim is Denied
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Earlier this year, the Health & Welfare Fund launched a Dependent Eligibility Audit with Part D Advisors to confirm each beneficiary’s eligibility. The deadline to respond to the audit was March 17.
If you did not respond to this year’s audit OR if you did not receive a confirmation card from Part D Advisors, your dependents’ claims will be denied starting May 31.
To make sure you don’t lose coverage, contact the Fund Office at 781-272-1000 ext. 201 as soon as possible.
Please do not try to contact Part D Advisors directly — the phone line has been discontinued as of Wednesday, April 28.
Thank you to everyone who has participated. If you have any other questions and your dependents’ claims have not been denied, reach out to the Benefit Funds at 781-272-1000.